user volcano
New features: Support Queue Priority Scheduling Strategy, Enable Fine-Grained GPU Resource Sharing and Reclaim, Introduce Pod Scheduling Readiness Support, Add Sidecar Container Scheduling Capabilities, Enhance Vcctl Command Line Tool, Ensure Compatibility with Kubernetes v1.30, Strengthen Volcano Security Measures, Optimize Volcano for Large-Scale Performance, Improve GPU Monitoring Function, Optimize Helm Chart Installation And Upgrade Processes, etc.

user volcano
New features: Support elastic queue capacity scheduling, Supports affinity scheduling between queues and nodes, GPU sharing feature supports node scoring scheduling, Volcano Support for Kubernetes v1.29, Enhance scheduler metrics, Add license compliance check, Improve scheduling stability, etc.

user volcano
Join Volcano at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe, 19-22 March in Paris!

user volcano
New features: Support for vGPU scheduling and isolation, support for vGPU and user-defined resource preemption capabilities, addition of JobFlow workflow scheduling engine, node load-aware scheduling and rescheduling support for diverse monitoring systems, optimization of Volcano's ability to schedule microservices, optimization of Volcano charts packages for publishing and archiving, etc.

user volcano
Huawei Cloud Joins Hands with 11 Partners to Launch Volcano Community Co-construction Program

user volcano
New features: enhanced plugin for PyTorch Jobs, Ray on Volcano, enhanced scheduling for general Kubernetes services, multi-architecture images of Volcano, and optimized queue status info

user volcano
ING Bank: How Volcano Empowers Their Big Data Analytics Platform

user Thor-wl
Volcano v1.4 (Beta) Release Includes New Features Such as NUMA-Aware

user Yunzhi Cheng/Ruitian Tech-Leader
Use case description: Ruitian Capital, an investment company, uses Volcano to build their offline computing platform.

user Junmao Li/System Architect in Pengcheng Laboratory
Volcano use case in scientific research