A Command Line Interface (CLI) is provided for you to manage resources.
You can obtain the latest executable file by cloning the code from GitHub and running the following command in the root directory of the project:
# make vcctl
Copy the executable file to $PATH. You then can execute it anywhere.
Command Line List
Listing all jobs
vcctl job list
# vcctl job list
Name Creation Phase JobType Replicas Min Pending Running Succeeded Failed Unknown RetryCount
job-1 2020-09-01 Running Batch 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
Deleting a specific job
vcctl job delete –name job-name [–namespace job-namespace]
# vcctl delete job --name job-1 --namespaces default
delete job job-1 successfully
Suspending a job
vcctl job suspend –name job-name [–namespace job-namespace]
# vcctl job suspend --name job-1 --namespace default
Resuming a job (opposite to “vcctl job suspend”)
vcctl job resume –name job-name [–namespace job-namespace]
# vcctl job resume --name job-1 --namespace default
Running a job
vcctl job run –name job-name [–namespace job-namespace]
# vcctl job run --name job-1 --namespace default
For more information about Volcano command lines, run the following commands:
# vcctl -h
# vcctl [command] -h